grrr…uploading, silly me stop stressing

A picture of me…created by me…

justme_enlightened.jpgjustme_anjelic1.jpg i love thee

like morning dew the mourning buds of grass upon which it rests

when the rain lays vacant and sleeping in clouds of sky high slumber

as the day sun rests beneath murky deep blackness of conspiring layers

of smoke, steam, ash, containing every imaginable layer or shade of grey

shifting toward enlightenment of sun and release of long awaited water love

…let it rain


2 Responses

  1. Hmm.. different!

  2. I love the descriptive language you use. I have just discovered an appreciation for, and and enjoyment in, writing. I am still quite new to this form of expression — particularly when it comes to verse — but I’ve been an avid reader as long as I can remember.

    You have a lot of talent. To create imagery with your words is a gift and you should be proud. :-)

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